
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Make yourselves happy – Be Positive.

Are you crying inside?
Are you carrying loads on your shoulder?
Don’t worry! There’s not a problem without a solution in this world! (and that exclude mathematics’ question for me – I hate maths)
There are moments in our lives where we will feel so lonely, that we’re about to break into pieces because nobody seems to understand us or wants to listen to us. Or maybe everything seems so hard and impossible to solve and there seems like no hope ahead.
But… believe me…
There is always a WAY OUT. And there is always SOMEONE who cares for you.
The key point to feel happiness is à B +! (Be Positive)

You know that you can’t change what God has fated for you. But you can change what’s inside you.
First of all, why are you feeling sad?
Is it because you don’t get something that you want?
Or do you lose something or someone important?
Or are you disappointed with someone?
If I try to list out all the possibilities, then I will never really get to start writing.
Do you realize that most of the times when we’re feeling sad, it’s because of something worldly? And yes, when I said worldly things, LIVING THINGS are included too.
Ok, I’ll stop blabbering now. I’ll just get to the points. Whenever you think that it’s hard to smile or the burden hanging on top of you is too hard to lift, take note of these things…
1) Allah knows you can handle the test
No matter how hard the test you’re facing… Allah knows your strength. Prove
Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya, dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (2:286)
And if you’re able to go through the problems calmly, it shows that you’re having another key to happiness, PATIENCE.
The harder you’re tested the more rewards you will be given… if and only if you stay patient!
2) Allah gives you what you NEED and not what you WANT.
I want to go to Jordan but Allah keeps me here. Why? Because HE knows this is what I need. We’re human being. We can plan…. But keep in head, HE is the best planner!
"Wamakaru wamakarallah wallahu khairul makirin.."
You can try… you should try to gain something that you’re dreamed of. TRY all you might, give your best EFFORT, PRAY to Him, and be CONTENT with whatever you will get in the end.
Because after all, it’s not “I make it happen”… It’s “Allah lets it to happen”.
3) Allah listens to your prayer
Even when you’re not reciting your do’a loudly, HE still listens right? So, knowing that Allah knows your condition, what’s in your heart should actually please you and put your heart at rest.
Knowing that Allah knows our condition give us patience with Allah’s decision – Imam Ibn Ata’Allah
Instead of sharing our problems to PEOPLE, turn to The Creator first, The One who LISTENS and SEES everything.
Dan Tuhan kamu berfirman: “Berdoalah kamu kepadaKu nescaya Aku perkenankan doa permohonan kamu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang sombong takbur daripada beribadat dan berdoa kepadaKu, akan masuk neraka Jahannam dalam keadaan hina. (40:60)
4) Some people suffer even more than us
This is to avoid the thinking, “Oh masalah aku lah paling besoo sekali”.
When you’re whining about the foods that you’re eating, remember there are people out there who don’t even afford to buy a SIMPLE meal.
When you’re whining about the so-little-money in your pocket, remember some people don’t even have a penny.
When you’re whining about your parents or siblings, remember some people don’t even have the chance to get the love of a FAMILY.
When you’re whining about all the assignments and the workload, remember some people don’t even get the opportunity to pursue their studies.
Less whine, more fun.
5) Recheck your Iman
A believer has no problem that he cant overcome. So, ask ourselves are we good enough as a believer? Have we really tried our very best to please the Almighty?

A tree can’t stand strong without its root. And we too, can’t withstand the problems and challenges of lives without the REAL FAITH. Water your trees well; expose it to the sunlight… May it produce beautiful fruits or flowers!
Lastly, before I end this… I would love to share a story of a friend of Hassan al-Banna.
Suatu pagi Hasan al Banna datang menemui sohibnya Abbas as Sisi, dan ternyata mata Abbas sembab dikarenakan sepanjang malam terus menangis. Dan sekita itu juga ditanyalah oleh Hasan al Banna, “ya Akhi, kenapa matamu sembab seperti itu?” Abbas as Sisi pun menjawab, “Aku menangis semalaman karena ada tanah kaum muslimin yang dirampas oleh para komunis.” Dan seketika dijawab oleh Hasan al Banna, “Berarti kamu sudah mulai menapaki jalan dakwah ini.”
Friday, July 22, 2011
erti hebat?



Monday, July 18, 2011
Palestine, alazi barakna hawlahu =)
“Orang yang tidak menyibukkan dirinya dengan masalah yang besar akan menyibukkan dirinya dengan masalah yang kecil”
Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor, 16 Julai 2011, Senawang.
There is not much that I can say about Palestine, but I’m just trying to spread some love. =)
The phrase above was said by a respected man regarding the issue of Palestine. The occupation in Palestine is a big issue. But, not many people realized that… just yet. They are so into their lives. All they care about is their money, family, works, or studies.
Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious. (9:24)
And I was like that too…
“Palestine is just a country”
“Why do you have to fuss about Palestine so much?”
“It’s a war. We can’t do anything. It’ll stop…someday”
“Why don’t they just share their country with Israel? It’s as simple as that!”
“There are poor people and orphans too in our country, why should we help them?”
Some of the statements above… I used to have them on my mind too back then. I was so unclear of the importance to support Palestine. Slowly, I regain conscious… this is not just about the Palestinian people. It is way more than that.
For this post, lets find the answer to the statements above.
Palestine is just a country.
Says who? It’s not JUST LIKE any other countries. There are about 70 verses in the Qur’an regarding Palestine. And the Qur’an keeps saying that this is a blessed land. Says who? Allah says.
سُبۡحَـٰنَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَسۡرَىٰ بِعَبۡدِهِۦ لَيۡلاً۬ مِّنَ ٱلۡمَسۡجِدِ ٱلۡحَرَامِ إِلَى ٱلۡمَسۡجِدِ ٱلۡأَقۡصَا ٱلَّذِى بَـٰرَكۡنَا حَوۡلَهُ ۥ لِنُرِيَهُ ۥ مِنۡ ءَايَـٰتِنَآۚ إِنَّهُ ۥ هُوَ
ٱلسَّمِيعُ ٱلۡبَصِيرُ
Maha Suci Allah yang telah menjalankan hambaNya (Muhammad) pada malam hari dari Masjidilharam ke Masjid Al-Aqsa, yang Kami berkati sekelilingnya, untu memperlihatkan kepadanya tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Allah jualah Yang Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui. (1) Al-Isra’
The blessed land of Palestine has been repeated 5 times in the Qur’an.
Al-Anbiya ayat 71, Al-Anbiya ayat 81, Saba’ ayat 18, Al-A’raf ayat 137, Al-Isra’ ayat 1.
And it’s not just that. Isn’t this the land where our first qiblah supposed to be? Isn’t this the landof the anbiya’? Isn’t this the place where Masjid al-Aqsa is located? So, if your answer is yes, it’s not just another country.
Why do you have to fuss about Palestine so much
It’s not really directly related to the issue of Palestin but do you know the story of Suraqah bin Malik?
He was once a musyrikin (non-believer) during the time of Hijrah. When he heard of the news that whoever managed to capture Muhammad s.a.w, dead or alive, that person will be rewarded 100 red camels. He was blinded by the rewards offered. Of course, who won’t anyway? So, whole-heartedly, he went to look for Muhammad and it was very fortunate for him because he managed to catch up with Muhammad. He was very near to our Prophet when the camel (some said horse) of his fell to the ground. And the same thing repeated thrice. Subhanallah. Later onafter a few dialogues between them, our Prophet told him, “What do you think o Suraqah, if you wear the bracelet of Kisra (King of Persia)?”. Of course, he was shocked, he never thought that he could even actually see how Kisra’s bracelet going to look like. So, he let go of our Prophet and kept Al-Amin’s promise within him.
10 years later, during fathu makkah, he went toMuhammad s.a.w and recited the syahadah. Days passed by... and during the time of Caliphate Umar, Islam managed to conquer Persia and changed the system of the country. And... Yup, you are right there, Umar handed the bracelet of Kisra to Suraqah. Ok, lets stop at that point.
My point is Prophet Muhammad s.a.w knew that one day, Islam would actually ruled Persia.
Now look at this...

“Sekumpulan dari kalangan ummatku akan mempertahankan kebenaran, mereka mengalahkan musuh2 mereka dan orang2 yang menenteng mereka tidak dapat mengalahkan mereka dan mereka hanya mendapat sedikit kerosakan sehinggalah datangnya kiamat mereka tetap dalam keadaan demikian.” Para sahabat bertanya “Dimanakah mereka hai Rasulullah?” Rasulullah menjawab “Di Baitul Maqdis dan disekelilingnya.” (Hr Abdullah bin Ahmad dan Thabrani – para perawinya thiqah)
Isn’t this a sign, an urge for us, to free Palestine? Well, we might not be able to really fight in the battlefield, but there are so many things that we can actually do to help, right? =)
Abdullah ibn umar bertanya pada Rasulullah SAW "Ya Rasulullah, terangkan kpd kami hukum menziarahi BaitulMaqdis. "Jawab Rasulullah SAW, Ziarah dan solatlah di sana. Sekiranya tidak mungkin (ziarah dan solat) maka kirimkanlah minyak untuk lampu-lampu (bagi menerangi masjid) – Sahih Bukhari
We can help them through our money. Now, there are so many NGO’s out there that can channel our money to Palestinians. Ok, if we’re not capable of donating money, how about... not spending our money for Israeli’s products (aka boycott)? The five products listed here are the major financial source for the zionists, L’oreal, McDonald, CocaCola, Nestle and Starbucks.
“alahai... bukannya banyak pon... tak sampai RM10 pon! Ada ke effect boikot2 ni?”
Mister, if there are 10 thousands more people like you, just imagine, how much have we wasted our money just to destroy our sisters and brothers in Palestine? Hmmm...
Next, what else can we do? Pray for them and of course, spread the love of Palestine J
Why don’t they just share their country with Israel? It’s as simple as that!
Ouch! =_=’’ how could you… okay,
Someone rob your house, telling you to leave. And now the police demand you to share your house with the robbers… and the robbers are giving you ‘only the kitchen’ side. Is that okay with you??

The same case is happening with Palestine. The PBB gave a small portion of their land to the Jews, and that small portion is turning big now. Israel is not even a country at first. And if you expect the Palestinians to SIT and WATCH, you’re wrong.
There are poor people and orphans too in our country, why should we help the palestinians?
If it’s not us, then who would help them?
Do you expect them to work? Ok, some of them do work (The fishermen cant catch fishes 2m away from the land or else they will be shot down)
Do you know that they are lacking of clean water supply?
Do you know that they are being attacked every single day?
Do you know that they are trapped in their own homeland?
Do you expect that they will be fine without our supports? Their family are being killed, and nobody wants to help… This can kill their spirit to keep fighting.
“Lebih baik tolong orang kita (Melayu) yang susah…”
Just asking, do you realize that all of these races thingy are something that the West created for us so that we can’t stay united? If you believe that negara bangsa is actually a good thing, you have just fallen into their trap. Bingo!
“Tiada kelebihan seseorang terhadap yang lainnya melainkan dengan taqwa kepada Allah”. (Hadith Riwayat Abu Bakar Albazzar, tafsir Ibnu Katsier juz 7 hal 322).
“Jangan sekali-kali berjuang kerana bangsa kerana Islam tidak pernah dikuatkan oleh bangsa” - Dr Hafidzi
It’s a war. We can’t do anything. It’ll stop…someday
It will stop… but don’t you want to be with the winning team? ;)
Mentajdidkan niat, Mengikut syariat.
Intai tajuk boleh teka kot pasal apa kan?
Niat, syariat…. These two things are very important in making sure that our ‘Ibadah is valid right? The absence of one of those two can lead to the uselessness of our good deeds (amal soleh).
Solatlah kamu sebanyak mana pon, kalau tak ikut syariat ,maka sia-sialah solat kamu. Contoh mudah, kamu solat subuh 4 rakaat. Ya memang kamu solat, tapi bukan itu yang syariat tetapkan kan?
Infaq all you want, but if your intention is for attention of people. Then, dang! Sorry dude, your deeds will just go into the dustbin even though your pocket is getting thinner.
RM 2 + lillahi ta’ala = masuk akaun pahala
RM 50 + ‘hei hei lihatlah aku menderma ni’ = 0
(Kalau orang yang demikian dikira dari bilangan orang-orang yang mendustakan ugama), maka kecelakaan besar bagi orang-orang Ahli Sembahyang. (laitu) mereka yang berkeadaan lalai daripada menyempurnakan sembahyangnya; (Juga bagi) orang-orang yang berkeadaan riak (bangga diri dalam ibadat dan bawaannya), (Al-Ma'un : 4-7)
Remember, it’s not the physical appearance that matters; it’s what you have inside.

And as you can clearly see, my blabbering today will be about intention (niat).
Firstly, I’m (of course) not the best person to write about this, as I, myself have difficulty in straightening my intentions. Getting your intention straight and right is not as simple as it sounds. And not as easy as what I’m trying to portray in this post today.
Ok, suka bebel jauh… sekarang masuk dalam landasan balik.
Sepatutnya, seharusnya, setiap daripada amal kita mesti lah ada niatnya masing-masing kan?
Pergi sekolah nak belajar.
Tidur nak rehat.
Mandi nak wangi.
Betul ke macam tu? Ok, yes, it is an ‘intention’ but it wont take us anywhere because it’s clearly not inclined with what ‘intention’ really means based on syariat.
Maksud niat berdasarkan syariat :
Those intentions I stated above lack a common thing, that is… to seek for the pleasure of Allah. This one common, simple point can twist everything around.
And before I go and do more of blabbering…

Ok. Itu ibadah am. Kalau ibadah khusus?
Ramai orang tak tahu (or to be exact, tak sedar) yang diorang boleh dapat pahala free2 dalam perbuatan seharian diorang.
Berbeza dengan ibadah khusus, orang tahu itu satu bentuk ibadah, pengabdian kepada Allah. Tapi kalau tahu saja, sedar tak ada?
Situasi si A.
Dia Muslim. Dia solat, puasa bulan Ramadhan, pergi haji. Bila ditanya kenapa…
“Ish.. mestilah kene buat semua tu. Semua orang ISLAM pon buat. MALU lah kalau tak solat. Nanti orang kata apa pulak.”
Ding dong! Ouch, sebab tu je ke?
“Kalau puasa dapatlah turunkan berat badan sikit. Hihi.”
Nampak tak ke’slack’an ‘ibadah si A di atas? Beribadah kerana manusia. Bukan setakat tak dapat pahala, tambah dosa lagi. Dosa riya’. Si A di atas tahu dia kene solat, tapi mungkin kurang sedar. Macam mana pulak dengan orang yang sedar dan tahu? Tahu dah. Sedar pon dah. Cuma, kurang rasa kot? Maka berlakulah krisis dalaman dekat hati yang memang mudah berbolak-balik.
"Sesungguhnya dinamakan qolbun karena gampang berbolak-balik. Sesungguhnya perumpamaan hati adalah seperti bulu yang tergantung di atas pohon yang dapat di bolak-balikkan hembusan air, ke kiri dan ke kanan". (HR. Ahmad: 4/408 dan dalam Shohih Jami': 2365).
Monolog dalaman si B
“Aku nak bagi tazkirah lah lepas Maghrib ni… Moga-moga masuk lah ke hati sahabat2 yang lain. Balighu anni walau ayah. Fighting!”
Selesai tazkirah
“ Huu, best tazkirah aku kasi hari ni. Bertambahlah respek orang kt aku.”
Niat bukan hanya perlu betul ketika nak mula. Ia perlu lurus dari mula, ketika dan selesai sesuatu amal. Sama macam memasak. Step 1 dah betul tapi kalau step 2 atau 3 tersalah ‘sikit’, maka tak umpph lah masakan tu. Tapi tapi, kalau pon step seterusnya tersilap, masih ada ruang untuk baiki masakan kan? Kurang garam tambah garam. Kurang gula, tambah gula.
And the same thing can happen in this matter too. Every time we feel like we are doing something for the sake of others, and not because of the Almighty, ask forgiveness from HIM.
Katakanlah, wahai hamba-hamba-Ku yang telah melampaui batas (melakukan dosa), janganlah kalian berputus asa dari rahmat Allah… (al-Zumar: 53)
Do istighfar a lot. And Renew our niat regularly. The devil is too sly and they won’t stop making us astray from Allah till The Day of Judgement.
Iblis berkata: Berilah tempoh kepadaku hingga hari mereka dibangkitkan (hari kiamat)”. Allah berfirman: “Sesungguhnya engkau dari golongan yang diberi tempoh (ke suatu masa yang tertentu)”. Iblis berkata: “Oleh kerana Engkau (wahai Tuhan) menyebabkan daku tersesat (maka) demi sesungguhnya aku akan mengambil tempat menghalangi mereka (dari menjalani) jalanMu yang lurus. (Al-A'raf : 14-16)
OK too much of blabbering. In one compound sentence, my point is; Keep our intentions straight for the sake of Allah because we are aiming for mardhatillah kan? Akhir sekali, yok tengok hadis pertama daripada hadis 40 ni.
“Tiap-tiap amal harus disertai dengan niat. Balasan bagi setiap amal manusia, ialah pahala bagi apa yang diniatkannya. Maka barangsiapa (niat) hijrahnya kerana Allah dan RasulNya, baginya pahala hijrah kerana Allah dan RasulNya. Dan barangsiapa (niat) hijrahnya kerana dunia yang hendak diperolehinya atau kerana perempuan yang hendak dikahwininya, maka (pahala) hijrahnya sesuai dengan niatnya, untuk apa dia hijrah."
Thursday, July 14, 2011
menulis satu wadah.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Sudah lama tak menulis, sibuk? Tak. Kering idea? Mungkin. Malas? Agaknya. Tak tahu nak mula. Yup, that’s why. I don’t know whether to write in Malay or English.
My English is not any good, but I love using it. (hei hei practices make perfect right?) Malay language is my daily language, yet I feel awkward when using it for writing. So… I decided to use Arabic Language……….. joking! Okay, not funnyyy. =_=’’
I’ll just use bahasa rojak, can I?
I’ve deleted all of my posts from the past. Ok, lets start all over again now. =)
Well as the title read above, “writing as a medium”.

Medium untuk apa kah? The focus of my post today will be about the importance of writing in spreading… words.
It can be good things or the other way around.
Writing is like money. Some people know how to use it wisely. They pay their zakat, they do sadaqah and use it to buy their needs in daily lives. Some are great enough and they spend it in the path of Allah.
They even work hard to gain it.
The same goes to writing. To be able to write well, we’ll need a lot of practices. Do you recognize JK Rowling? She started to write when she was 5 years old and now look where she’s standing right now. Who else? Hilal Asyraf! I am an avid reader of his blog. His writing was not that good in the beginning (what I mean is, now his writing is better) but he’s blooming so well now. See?
Hard work will pay off.
Er rasa macam lari topik je. Ok , masuk trek balik jom.
As I mention above, some people use their money for goods and some er unfortunately just wasted their money for wrongful things (drugs, cigarettes, lottery, just to name a few).
This thing applies to writing as well. In this globalized world (ayat karangan : Dewasa kini), many people seem not to appreciate their ability in writing. They spread lies, badmouth others and blabber nonsense things through their writing. (er I’m blabbering too….) Which is not good because in the end, all of our doings will go into our ‘account of deeds’ in the hereafter.
So, it’s actually as simple as this,
Beneficial writing = duit masuk dalam akaun pahala, yay!
Lies, fitnah, etc = duit dalam akaun dosa bertambah2… alaa….
Jadi… kawan2, jom jadikan penulisan sebagai alat kita untuk menambah saham dekat ‘sana’ . Kalau tak banyak, sikit pon jadi lah. Jangan pulak kita biarkan penulisan kita yang menghalang kita untuk masuk syurga nanti.
Setiap amalan akan ditanya kan?
“Maka barang siapa mengerjakan kebaikan seberat zarrah, nescaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya. Dan barang siapa mengerjakan kejahatan seberat zarrah, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya.”
(Al-zalzalah 99:7-8)
Pesanan terakhir dari budak yang keliru dengan bahasa apa yang patut digunakan...
“ Maka Dia mengilhamkan kepadanya (jalan) kejahatan dan ketakwaan. Sungguh beruntung orang yang menyucikannya (jiwa itu). Dan sungguh rugi orang yang mengotorinya.”
(As-syams 91:8-10)
The choice is in our hand.

What type of clothes that we want to wear? Menutup atau membuka.
What type of entertainment that we want to enjoy? Melalaikan atau mengingatkan.
What type of food that we want to have? Halal atau haram.
What type of feeling that we want to have inside? =) atau =(
Anddd what kind of words that we want to spread? Kata-kata yang membawa manusia ke jalan haq atau kebatilan?
Choose wisely yeah. =)) Assalamualaikum.
Footnote : The idea of writing this comes from the newspapers (or news on TV) that seem to lose their function more and more nowadays. Hello, bukankah surat khabar berfungsi untuk mengkhabarkan kejadian-kejadian yang berlaku di sekitar rakyat dengan telus, jujur, amanah, tanpa penipuan dan tanpa menambah plot, karakter atau pengajaran2 yang bertujuan memanipulasi . Bukan juga tempat untuk merekrut penulis2 cereka, fiksyen atau lagenda untuk dibaca kanak-kanak bawah umur. (nah terkeluar ayat karangan ). Lastly, be fair. Be just. Don’t lie. We’re not stupid.